
Utility functions for dtoolcore.


Retun the hex encoded version of the base64 encoded input string.

dtoolcore.utils.cross_platform_getuser(is_windows, no_username_in_env)[source]

Return the username or “unknown”.

The function returns “unknown” if the platform is windows and the username environment variable is not set.


Return identifier from a ProtoDataSet handle.


Return a urlparse.ParseResult object with the results of parsing the given URI. This has the same properties as the result of parse_uri.

When passed a relative path, it determines the absolute path, sets the scheme to file, the netloc to localhost and returns a parse of the result.

dtoolcore.utils.get_config_value(key, config_path=None, default=None)[source]

Get a configuration value.

Preference: 1. From environment 2. From JSON configuration file supplied in config_path argument 3. The default supplied to the function

  • key – name of lookup value
  • config_path – path to JSON configuration file
  • default – default fall back value

value associated with the key

dtoolcore.utils.get_config_value_from_file(key, config_path=None, default=None)[source]

Return value if key exists in file.

Return default if key not in config.


Return the username.

dtoolcore.utils.handle_to_osrelpath(handle, is_windows=False)[source]

Return OS specific relpath from handle.


Create the given directory path. This includes all necessary parent directories. Does not raise an error if the directory already exists. :param path: path to create


Return True if the dataset name is valid.

The name can only be 80 characters long. Valid characters: Alpha numeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z] Valid special characters: - _ .

dtoolcore.utils.relpath_to_handle(relpath, is_windows=False)[source]

Return handle from relpath.

Handles are Unix style relpaths. Converts Windows relpath to Unix style relpath. Strips “./” prefix.


Return fully qualified uri from the input, which might be a relpath.


Return hex digest of the sha1sum of the input_string.


Return Unix timestamp as float.

The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970.


Return Windows path.


Return Unix path.

dtoolcore.utils.write_config_value_to_file(key, value, config_path=None)[source]

Write key/value pair to config file.