Source code for dtoolcore.utils

"""Utility functions for dtoolcore."""

import os
import errno
import getpass
import hashlib
import json
import platform
import binascii
import base64
import datetime
import re
import socket
import logging

    from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if platform.system() == "Windows":
    IS_WINDOWS = True

DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/dtool/dtool.json")
DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/dtool")

NAME_VALID_CHARS_LIST = ["0-9", "a-z", "A-Z", "-", "_", "."]
NAME_VALID_CHARS_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[{}]+$".format(NAME_VALID_CHARS_STR))

[docs]def windows_to_unix_path(win_path): """Return Unix path.""" logger.debug("In windows_to_unix_path...") logger.debug("windows_to_unix_path.input_win_path: {}".format(win_path)) unix_path = win_path.replace("\\", "/") # Deal with Windows path defect where path has incorrect starting /, e.g. # /C:/some/path. if IS_WINDOWS and len(unix_path) >=2 and unix_path[0] == "/" and unix_path[2] == ":": # NOQA unix_path = unix_path[1:] logger.debug("windows_to_unix_path.return: {}".format(unix_path)) return unix_path
[docs]def unix_to_windows_path(unix_path): """Return Windows path.""" logger.debug("In unix_to_windows_path...") logger.debug("unix_to_windows_path.input_unix_path: {}".format(unix_path)) # Deal with Windows path defect where path has incorrect starting /, e.g. # /C:/some/path. if IS_WINDOWS and len(unix_path) >= 2 and unix_path[0] == "/" and unix_path[2] == ":": # NOQA unix_path = unix_path[1:] win_path = unix_path.replace("/", "\\") logger.debug("unix_to_windows_path.return: {}".format(win_path)) return win_path
[docs]def generous_parse_uri(uri): """Return a urlparse.ParseResult object with the results of parsing the given URI. This has the same properties as the result of parse_uri. When passed a relative path, it determines the absolute path, sets the scheme to file, the netloc to localhost and returns a parse of the result. """ logger.debug("In generous_pase_uri...") logger.debug("generous_pase_uri.input_uri: {}".format(uri)) parse_result = urlparse(uri) IS_WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER = len(parse_result.scheme) == 1 if parse_result.scheme == '' or IS_WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER: abspath = os.path.abspath(parse_result.path) fixed_uri = "file://{}{}".format( socket.gethostname(), abspath ) if IS_WINDOWS: abspath = windows_to_unix_path(abspath) if IS_WINDOWS_DRIVE_LETTER: abspath = parse_result.scheme.upper() + abspath[1:] fixed_uri = "file:///{}".format(abspath) parse_result = urlparse(fixed_uri) logger.debug("generouse_pase_uri.return: {}".format(parse_result)) return parse_result
[docs]def sanitise_uri(uri): """Return fully qualified uri from the input, which might be a relpath.""" logger.debug("In sanitise_uri...") logger.debug("sanitise_uri.input_uri: {}".format(uri)) logger.debug("sanitise_uri.calling.utils.generouse_parse_uri") uri = urlunparse(generous_parse_uri(uri)) logger.debug("sanitise_uri.return: {}".format(uri)) return uri
[docs]def cross_platform_getuser(is_windows, no_username_in_env): """Return the username or "unknown". The function returns "unknown" if the platform is windows and the username environment variable is not set. """ if is_windows and no_username_in_env: return "unknown" return getpass.getuser()
[docs]def getuser(): """Return the username.""" is_windows = platform.system() == "Windows" no_username_in_env = os.environ.get("USERNAME") is None return cross_platform_getuser(is_windows, no_username_in_env)
def _get_config_dict_from_file(config_path=None): """Return value if key exists in file. Return empty string ("") if key or file does not exist. """ if config_path is None: config_path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH # Default (empty) content will be used if config file does not exist. config_content = {} # If the config file exists we use that content. if os.path.isfile(config_path): with open(config_path) as fh: config_content = json.load(fh) return config_content
[docs]def write_config_value_to_file(key, value, config_path=None): """Write key/value pair to config file. """ if config_path is None: config_path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH # Get existing config. config = _get_config_dict_from_file(config_path) # Add/update the key/value pair. config[key] = value # Create parent directories if they are missing. mkdir_parents(os.path.dirname(config_path)) # Write the content with open(config_path, "w") as fh: json.dump(config, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # Set 600 permissions on the config file. os.chmod(config_path, 33216) return get_config_value_from_file(key, config_path)
[docs]def get_config_value_from_file(key, config_path=None, default=None): """Return value if key exists in file. Return default if key not in config. """ config = _get_config_dict_from_file(config_path) if key not in config: return default return config[key]
[docs]def get_config_value(key, config_path=None, default=None): """Get a configuration value. Preference: 1. From environment 2. From JSON configuration file supplied in ``config_path`` argument 3. The default supplied to the function :param key: name of lookup value :param config_path: path to JSON configuration file :param default: default fall back value :returns: value associated with the key """ if config_path is None: config_path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH # Start by setting default value value = default # Update from config file value = get_config_value_from_file( key=key, config_path=config_path, default=value ) # Update from environment variable value = os.environ.get(key, value) return value
[docs]def sha1_hexdigest(input_string): """Return hex digest of the sha1sum of the input_string.""" byte_string = input_string.encode() return hashlib.sha1(byte_string).hexdigest()
[docs]def base64_to_hex(input_string): """Retun the hex encoded version of the base64 encoded input string.""" return binascii.hexlify(base64.b64decode(input_string)).decode()
[docs]def generate_identifier(handle): """Return identifier from a ProtoDataSet handle.""" return sha1_hexdigest(handle)
[docs]def mkdir_parents(path): """Create the given directory path. This includes all necessary parent directories. Does not raise an error if the directory already exists. :param path: path to create """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise
[docs]def timestamp(datetime_obj): """Return Unix timestamp as float. The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. """ start_of_time = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) diff = datetime_obj - start_of_time return diff.total_seconds()
[docs]def name_is_valid(name): """Return True if the dataset name is valid. The name can only be 80 characters long. Valid characters: Alpha numeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z] Valid special characters: - _ . """ # The name can only be 80 characters long. if len(name) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH: return False return bool(NAME_VALID_CHARS_REGEX.match(name))
[docs]def relpath_to_handle(relpath, is_windows=False): """Return handle from relpath. Handles are Unix style relpaths. Converts Windows relpath to Unix style relpath. Strips "./" prefix. """ if is_windows: relpath = windows_to_unix_path(relpath) if relpath.startswith("./"): relpath = relpath[2:] return relpath
[docs]def handle_to_osrelpath(handle, is_windows=False): """Return OS specific relpath from handle.""" directories = handle.split("/") if is_windows: return "\\".join(directories) return "/".join(directories)